13 things at the Panjim Market

13 things we see:
2-toothed ladies haggling to the last “du ruppia” (US 4 cents) for our football sized papaya
lady-fingers getting sprayed down every 5 minutes, to look as juicy and green as possible
endless amounts of intriguing produce, many items I pay exorbitant prices for in the states –
kohlrabi, limes, green pumpkins, coconut, and ginger root

a community of vendors and buyers that greet each other with singsong voices and fresh food

teenage village girls selling sweet potatoes on their cell phones

various squatting/seated positions that would break my back in a matter of minutes

flowers adorning buns, perfuming air that already has a million and one smells

Santosh, the sweetest spice vendor on earth, explaining each item in his stand with the revery and enthusiasm of someone selling rare paintings or antique diamonds – our mutual respect for spices and eating transcended our language barrier. I want to learn Konkani!

buckets to place our veggies in, while we shop at each stand

ancient octagonal weights, all in different increments of kilogram, to weigh the goods

popped rice to be mixed with chili powder, peanuts, lime and salt, all in a newspaper cone to munch on while shopping

kids sleeping in burlap food sacks

rooms on the perimeter of the market with potatoes spilled onto and covering the entire floor, the owner wades through his short tide of starch to reach the center

it is really fun here – it’s one of my favorite places in town – the energy, the people, the sites, smells and sounds fill my spirit to the brim – a daily explosion that is open every day, all day – not like our twice – weekly shop at the farmer’s market in Portland (although I’m not complaining about that at all – it’s the highlight of my week when at home…) And I haven’t even begun to tell you about upstairs!

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