I was making pancakes this morning for breakfast and decided to tinker a little with the self timer on my camera.  My usual morning attire thus revealed: shabby bathrobe, night gown on inside out, general dishevelment, kitchen messy.  Sure I have lots of cute aprons, much thanks to my friends and family, but it is the shlumfy early morning ensemble I do the most putsing about in. 

The days are so dark here now in the am, one must drink sweet black tea -- I always add half and half, plus brown sugar -- my brother Nick to thank for this addictive combo -- and eat pancakes whenever possible.  I hope we're all embarking on a great weekend!
What's on deck for you?

I'm going to the Farmer's Market downtown
to this little fabulous sale
a birthday party in a swank hotel
& a silly movie + pho date with my coworker
such fun.


  1. That looks so comfy! I love it!
    Our plans this weekend? A sample pack to see how much of our stuff we can fit in luggage and how much we are going to ship. Because we are moving out of the country in approximately 16 days. Commence freak out.

    Sounds like you have a fun weekend planned! Enjoy!

  2. i totally have the same robe! you could come over and we could hang in our morning wear and watch telenovelas.

  3. yup... right there with you. tom got me a huge fluffy restoration hardware robe a few years ago... that and ugg boots to fend off the beach chill on my tiles floor and you'll find me drinking tea and shuffing about the new kitchen.

  4. I l-o-v-e that you are so real and honest in your bathrobe. I'm only more and more impressed!

  5. I will come over with a needle and thread to help you sew that pocket!!!! You look like Me and everyone in the kitchen....Maybe you should do a Food Network show....Gettin it together in the kitchen in your slippers.
