The dragon FRUIT that is! Visually, this sublime piece of pink, white and black art may trump all others . . . The flavor is pretty good -- sort of a cross between a kiwi and mellow melon. It lacks the sweet tang I so enjoy in most tropical fruits, such as the mango or the pineapple, but I've never seen such an extraordinary thing before coming to Vietnam. The dragon fruit is common eating here (yummy) and for bringing to the pagoda, as an offering to Buddha, a goddess or an ancestor. I know you are probably sick of hearing of fruits by now, but I'm totally obsessed and can't help myself. The produce in Vietnam is very delicious and meticulously displayed -- a wonderful array of new tastes for D and I. Hurrah!


  1. i've never had a good one here. the ones i've tried have tastes like sweaty feet or stale celery. i'm glad to hear they taste good elsewhere because they are SO beautiful.

  2. Hey Leela! I've also just encountered dragon fruit for the first time since moving to Bangkok in July. It's a ridiculously beautiful fruit but the flavour doesn't quite live up to the external pink promise, does it? It is, however, extremely photogenic!

  3. we looooove our dragon fruit. hope you guys are having an amazing time!

  4. Lee- if you were a fruit, you'd be this one I think!
