It's not a complicated recipe per se and it's not even very creative - but it's just so good!  I felt I should divulge how I make my super tasty winter salad.  There are endless variations on this theme, and lots of riffing one could do, adding and subtracting what you have around.  Here's what I like to include:

dried cranberries
blue cheese crumbles
candied walnuts (I do this over the stove in a little pan, with a bit of butter, sugar and salt -- cook until just turning brown)
sliced pears
fresh dill
sliced onion, red is best, but white will do
mixed greens

Tossed with a light touch of olive oil and vinegar and your set! 


  1. This looks really good! I'm hunting for healthy winter salads to offset the heavy festival food...looks like a good lunch option!

  2. Your photos are stunning girl, stunning! And I LOVED "Women who run with the wolves" too--it changed my life :). Miss you! xoxo
