Spreading Happiness -- Indeed.

When a friend comes to visit you and your man in India, they come for a VISIT. We spread some happiness through visits to Hanuman Temple, swimming in the sea, analyzing the bus and the cow situation in this country (more on that later), walking along the river, sharing stories of far-off places and, yes, eating ice creams (Erica -- mint chip, D-- cookies and cream, me-- anything deeply chocolatey laden with fudge swirls and chocolate chips). We spread the happiness all around!


  1. Hi Leela!

    Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog! I'm so happy you did... I linked to your blog and look forward to reading about the vegan cooking! I know... Portland has so much to offer. I'm looking forward to visiting Sweet Pea! Thank you for the tip. That was one of my big concerns going vegan... how am I going to satisfy my sweet tooth? I'm actually really excited about the different types of food I'll be experimenting with. Until now, I never really considered how limited my typical diet was - meat and potato-esque. I will definitely read your blog... I know I'll need the motivation and inspiration!! Thank you so much again!!! xo -Myra
